
Invited talks: 19 minutes + 3 minutes Q&A
Contributed talks: 9 minutes + 2 minutes Q&A
Poster flash talks: 1 slide, 1 minute max

Time in SAST (UTC+2)

Tuesday, 13.8.2024

10:00-10:30 Morning e-poster & coffee break
(Posters by Bagoly, Gebrehiwot, Ibrahim, Juma, Moiseenko, Mukhija, Mwaniki, Sen, Teja, van der Merwe, Zhang, Zimmerman)

10:30-12:00 Session I (FM4-1) – Chair: Hanin Kuncarayakti

10:30-10:31 Welcome
10:31-10:53 Invited talk 1 Daichi Hiramatsu: SNe Type II, stripped-envelope SNe, and superluminous SNe
10:53-11:04 Oral presentation 1 Monika Soraisam: The Supernova of the decade 2023ixf: progenitor properties from decades of observations
11:04-11:15 Oral presentation 2 Keiichi Maeda: ALMA view on supernovae: uncovering the nature of massive star evolution toward their demise
11:15-11:26 Oral presentation 3 Martin Solar: Binary progenitor systems for Type Ic supernovae
11:26-11:37 Oral presentation 4 Samaporn Tinyanont: Still interacting after a decade: probing a stripped-envelope supernova progenitor’s mass loss history and dust formation with James Webb Space Telescope
11:37-11:48 Oral presentation 5 Christina Humina: Late-time evolution of the interacting supernova 2017dio
11:48-11:59 Oral presentation 6 Kaustav Das: SN 2023zaw: an ultra-stripped, nickel-poor supernova from a low-mass progenitor

Poster flash talks

(12:00-13:30 Lunch)

13:30-15:00 Session II (FM4-2) – Chair: Tuomas Kangas

13:30-13:52 Invited talk 2 Anjasha Gangopadhyay: Looking into the world of interacting supernovae
13:52-14:14 Invited talk 3 Morgan Fraser: Transients in the gap – Luminous red novae, SN impostors, and intermediate-luminosity transients
14:14-14:25 Oral presentation 7 Takatoshi Ko: The features of interaction-powered supernovae explored by binary population synthesis
14:25-14:36 Oral presentation 8 Mojgan Aghakhanloo: A Decade of Supernova Impostor Outbursts in NGC 4559
14:36-14:47 Oral presentation 9 Thomas Moore: SN 2022jli: A Type Ic Supernova with Periodic Modulation of Its Light Curve and an Unusually Long Rise
14:47-14:58 Oral presentation 10 Beth Fitzpatrick: Luminosity Gap Transients and AT2019krl

Poster flash talks

15:00-15:30 Afternoon e-poster & coffee break
(Posters by Antoniadis, Chatterjee, Gasealahwe, Habtie, Healy, Hojaev, Kaltenbrunner, Mahani, Renaud, Singh, Vink, Zhai)

15:30-17:00 Session III (FM4-3) – Chair: Morgan Fraser

15:30-16:03 Invited talk 4 Dan Perley: Fast Transients:  New Discoveries and Unexpected Surprises
16:03-16:14 Oral presentation 11 Giulia Migliori: Roaring to softly whispering: late-time X-ray follow-up of the luminous FBOT AT2018cow
16:14-16:25 Oral presentation 12 Kohki Uno: Light Curve Modeling for Rapidly Evolving Transients Powered by Continuous Outflow
16:25-16:36 Oral presentation 13 Nicole Lloyd-Ronning: Illuminating Our Universe with Gamma-ray Bursts
16:36-16:47 Oral presentation 14 Tiaan Bezuidenhout: Finding Fast Radio Bursts with MeerKAT

Poster flash talks

Wednesday, 14.8.2024

10:00-10:30 Morning e-poster & coffee break
(Posters by Ashall, Bocchino, Briel, de Ugarte Postigo, Dubey, Kangas, Li, Mancera Piña, Mlangeni, Pyykkinen, Sarwar, Yarovova)

10:30-12:00 Session IV (FM4-4) – Chair: Morgan Fraser

10:30-10:52 Invited talk 5 Andreas Sander: Hot star winds
10:52-11:14 Invited talk 6 Emma Beasor: Red supergiant mass loss and evolution
11:14-11:25 Oral presentation 15 Moo-Keon Jung: Effects of winds on the optical and near-infrared properties of type Ib and Ic supernova progenitors.
11:25-11:36 Oral presentation 16 Olivier Verhamme: Using UV and optical spectroscopy to show supressed mass loss rates of B-supergiants
11:36-11:47 Oral presentation 17 Grace Telford: New Observational Insights into the Astrophysics of Extremely Metal-Poor O Stars
11:47-11:58 Oral presentation 18 Elisa Schösser: Spectroscopic analysis of metal-poor massive stars in the Magellanic Bridge

Poster flash talks

(12:00-13:30 Lunch)

13:30-15:00 Session V (FM4-5) – Chair: Tuomas Kangas

13:30-13:52 Invited talk 7 Tomer Shenar: Observational constraints on massive binary star evolution 
13:52-14:14 Invited talk 8 Ylva Götberg: Stripped-envelope stars in binary systems
14:14-14:25 Oral presentation 19 Fabian Schneider: Pre-supernova evolution and final fates of binary stars
14:25-14:36 Oral presentation 20 Mar Carretero-Castrillo: New massive runaway stars: supernova explosions or dynamical ejections?
14:36-14:47 Oral presentation 21 Abigail Frost: An interaction creates an enriched nebula around a massive magnetic binary system
14:47-14:58 Oral presentation 22 Amit Kashi: Interacting Winds and Giant Eruptions in Massive Binaries

Poster flash talks

15:00-15:30 Afternoon e-poster & coffee break
(Posters by Bersten, Blay, Dimple, Fortino, Hanmer, Kashyap, Mogawana, Prayag, Rizzo, Swain, Thöne, Zegarelli)

15:30-17:00 Session VI (FM4-6) – Chair: Hanin Kuncarayakti

15:30-15:52 Invited talk 9 Alceste Bonanos: Variable Massive Stars
15:52-16:03 Oral presentation 23 Maria Arias: Probing supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01’s progenitor properties with IRAM 30m observations
16:03-16:14 Oral presentation 24 Shelley Cheng: Estimating Eruptive Mass Loss in Massive Stars with MESA
16:14-16:25 Oral presentation 25 Zsolt Keszthelyi: Numerical Simulations of Silicon Shell Burning in Massive Stars
16:25-16:36 Oral presentation 26 Agnieszka Janiuk: Collapsing self-gravitating massive stars and their EM transients
16:36-16:47 Oral presentation 27 Max Briel: The impact of detailed metallicity evolution in galaxies on the pair-instability supernova rate
16:47-16:58 Oral presentation 28 Ethan Winch: The Final Fates of Hydrogen-Rich Stars Around the PI Boundary
16:58-17:00 Closing

Video recordings: